Work package “Capacity building via teaching and training”
Teaching, training, and communicating our science to decision makers are some of the central aims of the EMSAfrica project. The following aspects are included in our capacity building strategy:
- Supervision of young students and early-career researchers both in Germany and in South Africa. In collaboration with the DAAD, we have recruited six African PhD students who are members of the EMSAfrica team and work on interdisciplinary project topics. While full-time PhD grants are no longer available, we welcome expressions of interest from BSc and MSc students, who are affiliated with project collaborating institutions and wish to complete part of their degree in Germany.
- Facilitation of regular researcher exchange to deepen the collaborations between the German and South African scientists. These visits are used to develop specific collaborations in cross-cutting project topics. Visits and training internships to young Southern African researchers to our German host institutions.
- Summer schools, workshops, and short courses on the topics of EC flux measurements, remote sensing, vegetation modelling, and social-ecological modelling, are organised jointly and individually by the project teams in the framework of the SPACES II Integrated Training Programme, which is also coordinated by EMSAfrica.
If you are interested in participating in some of the courses and training, keep an eye on the frequently updated “news” tab on this website, as well as the website of the SPACES II Integrated Training Programme.
We also always look forward to hearing from decision-makers and practitioners who are interested in the data and/or products of our project. The theme of our 2020 annual meeting is liaising with our key stakeholders.
If you have any questions, you can contact the project coordinator directly at
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